For example, the big emphasis on platforming (it turns out that demons turned earth into a gym, with gymnastic bars and climbing walls everywhere). I can go in-depth on many aspects that made difference. Yet, I feel like it turned into a superhero button-smasher. I mean, the game is clearly polished, and there are quite a few things that make its combat dynamics nicer. When I opened pre-ordered Doom Eternal, on the release date, my feelings were… mixed (was I ripped off, and should I burst into tears?). Samuel Hayden’s ambiguity is second only to G-Man from the Half-Life series, and in the same way, I got small shivers each time he talks.

In the last decade, the closest showing the rage of hell was the Painkiller series (which, IHMO, has the best concept of hell in all games). We had all the best from Doom 1&2 (no talk, all action) plus much more. The gameplay just felt right - dynamic as hell, encouraging rolling up your sleeves, and getting into visceral contact with the enemy.

Everythin g was exactly in place: from the pace and mechanics, through graphics and the atmosphere, to UI and style. A devilishly minimalistic style vs death by Candy Crush glitter.Īutumn 2019 I played Doom 2016 for the first time, and immediately fell in love.Demons invaded Earth and ruined Doom HUD.