Making everything very detailed and in HD also there should be all types of people at the park even children.
Have more disasters like hurricans,floods,fires,small meteor showers, or maybe even droughts.
Have an Online transfer market option to sell bones or other stuff like amber and silver and gold on the transfer market.
Trade Dinosaur bones or just Dinosaurs with friends, if theres a friend option or multiplayer option.
Have a multiplayer option to connect with friends and go to their parks or even build a park together.
Have between 50 and 100 types of dinosaurs to recreate or hatch.
Be able to have more digging sites available to unlock.
have seasons like fall,winter,spring,summer.
Be able to find diamond with dig crew and sell it.
be able to remove dead dinosaurs for study or just disposal.
Make people modern ( selfies, on phones, listening to music) instead of walking all the time.
have a petting zoo for baby dinosaurs or even friendly adult herbivores.
have extra decorations(different type of statues, skletons of dinosaurs, etc.).
Recognise when famous people visit park.
Differrent type of Money making places like restaurants or viewing points or maybe even cafe's.Also souvrnir shops.
be able to ride and pet herbivores at ride station.
Be able to have a free roam option at the title to just roam in a car around and see Dinosaurs.
have fish or random Water type Dinosaurs come close to island.
Have firefighters and cops(for dinosaur escaping the ride station(16) and robberies) to protect people from fires or disasters.
make 2 different Dinosaurs breed with same kind(land with land, water with water,air with air,carnivore and carnivore,herbivore and herbivore).
Have different biomes to purchase (with in game money) for sections you want to change.
Have variety of food for Water herbivores like seaweed.
Have variety of prey to give to water Carnivores like fishes.
Be able to be a human in sort of like a observe mode.
Be Able to expand the island area for more space or decrease.
Build cages for flying type dino's like an enclosure cage.
New land Dinosaurs and flying Dinosaurs.
And many more other type of rides and viewing points or eateries. Submarine ride for the underwater ride to see underwater creatures.
Different type of buildings like a hospital for injured people, by getting attcked or disasters.
Water type Dinosaurs like Liopleurodon,Thalassomedon,stethacanthus.
Now Lets list some cool editions to the game If you Want to see the Trailer for Jurassic Park Operation Genesis 1. Jurasic Park Genesis was and is still a pretty Interesting and great game to play when you have extra time or want to play a game with Dinosaurs! Since Jurasic World is comming out June 12th, 2015, This game would be an Awesome edition to the Jurrasic game category.